Articles by Hannah

A Little Poem

I wrote this short little poem today, to cope with the angst I’ve been feeling amid all of the political/religious judgment going on lately in the media.
“To love” is a command we all know well,
The greatest commandment that Jesus did tell.
But, “to love” doesn’t always mean “to condone”
Or take the philosophy “to each his own.”
Just because I believe dif’rently from you
Doesn’t mean that I’m condemning you for your view.
Even as you hold your values so dear,
So, I have mine, too, from which I don’t veer.  
So, please understand, I’ve no ill will in my heart,
Just because our opinions & views may depart.
If you decide that I loathe you ‘cause we disagree
Then, my friend, that’s on you, and not on me.
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Come as a Child

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 
Mark 10:14-15
Last night, in searching the Scriptures about parenting, and how to shepherd my children in their faith, I came across this passage, which I’ve, admittedly, read a million times, and heard preached 2 million.  Yet, once again the Living and Active Word of God fell fresh on my heart, and I suddenly felt new revelation about what exactly this means — to come as a child.  So, I started reflecting on my own children, to try to gain a better perspective of what Jesus’s instructions might mean.
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God was at the Walllll Mark, Who KNEW!

Today was my first official “Compressed Work Week Monday.”  In other words, it was my first official Monday off, as a part of my new work schedule.  So, of course, I took advantage of having the babies in daycare (yes, I know they’re not babies anymore, but you know who I mean), to do a little grocery shopping, down at the local Wallll Mark (as Jeremy’s grandmother so amusingly calls it).  Now, I don’t know about you, but the last place I really expect to have a God encounter is at Wal Mart.  I approach that place with utter dread.  Maybe because I used to have to shop there so often during my daycare assistant directing days, or maybe just because it’s….well….Wal
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