I Will Punch You In the Face

“Oh my GOSHHHHH, Mom! Couldn’t you have WAITED to stream church until I FINISHED WHAT I WAS DOING?! MY PHONE IS LAGGING!!!”

I choke back my coffee in shock at the over-the-top daggers of fury being hurled at me from my son’s room. I mean, I literally just poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down to enjoy cyber-church on this pleasant Sunday morning. How was I to know I was cutting into the precious bandwidth and disrupting my poor boy-child’s Pokemon-Go battle? On his iPhone. That we told him he wouldn’t get until he’s at least 14.

(He’s 11.)

He may not get it back until he’s 14.

“Can you pleeeease make french toast?” my girl-child pleads. Another one of her out-of-the-blue Varuca Salty-esque requests that requires at least some degree of planning and preparation.… Read the rest

To the Early Elementary Teachers Assigning Homework: A [basket]Case for Consideration

I freaked out tonight. Oh, it wasn’t anything overt.  It snuck up on me, really.  I held it together like a pro today — teaching myself a second-grade math concept so I could help my daughter understand it for her test tomorrow (can someone PLEASE give me a pat on back, or fist bump….or dab…or whatEVER for that one because today’s math is not what it used to be. Am I right?) , then taking her to gymnastics while listening to my son read me a fantastic book he’s writing.  I got home after gymnastics, fed my family, got the kids showered and somehow in bed with time to spare for bedtime snuggles and giggles…annnnnnd farts. Because, well. Boys.  I’m convinced that fart humor might actually be a lesser known love language for the male species. … Read the rest

Winds of Change: Returning to Work

sahm-vs-working-momThe winds of change are blowing thru our family!  We have been in an amazing season, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I love to look toward what’s on the horizon.  My life is a testament to God’s faithfulness.  If you want to hear an encouraging story of His unbelievable goodness, then read this one!!


In 2012, I had a burning desire to stay at home with my children.  I thought it would be an impossible feat – to essentially give up half of our income to stay home with our kids.  But, one day, while looking at our finances, it was as if the Lord shone a light onto them and a lightbulb went off in my head.  … Read the rest