Articles by Hannah

Don’t Dis Your Gifts, Man!

What a week!  I have been gone for a solid 7 days.  First to Austin for a Coordinator’s Meeting, and from there, straight to Lubbock, for our annual West Texas Parent Conference.  That is a huge project that has consumed a great deal of my time and energy over the past several months at work.  So, needless to say, I feel a sense of relief and accomplishment!
But, I’m also SPENT.  Ready to shut the thinker down, if you know what I mean.
So, you can imagine my (admittedly) ever-so-slight disappointment when I felt the Lord nudge me to go write.  Here’s the gist of how it went:
God:  Time to write.
Me:  Now?!?  But, Lord, how will I possibly know what to write?  
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Sink or Swim

A couple of days ago, I started out my day the way I feel I probably “should” start out every day:  Praying.
Praying that I would walk as one who glorifies the Lord in all that I do.  That I may encourage people and “behave” the way a “good Christian” should.  Of course, I didn’t really use those words, exactly, but the gist of it was that I aimed, from the time I rolled out of bed, to do things RIGHT.  The way God would expect me to.
But, I SO BLEW IT!  I mean, I messed up at every single turn.  By the end of the day, I was like, “HOLY MOLY!  WHAT HAPPENED THERE, GOD??”  Not that I was blaming God, per se, but I’ll admit that the thought crossed my mind, “Note to self:  Fat lot of good that prayer did!  
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My Sozo Experience

Sozo = Save, Heal, Deliver (Based on the Greek word for Salvation through Jesus Christ)
I just had my much anticipated Sozo session this week, and anyone who has been through this inner healing and deliverance ministry will understand why I just can’t contain myself from shouting to the world about the depths of my experience! 
For those who have never experienced it, be forewarned that you may think I’m… well  -to use my friend, Jenn’s, expression – a little Cukoo for Cocopuffs!  But, in all reality, I’m totally okay with that, because my life is sure to be a testimony to the truths of what I have been through, and I am 100% convinced I was delivered from some pretty intense strongholds!!
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