Articles by Hannah

To Love, or Not to Love….THAT is the Question!

“‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’  Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.'”
Matthew 22:36-40

Awhile back, my brother lent me a film called Furious Love — a documentary about a man who went into the darkest places of the earth to test whether God’s love truly transcends all.  It’s an inspiring, eye-opening documentary, and a must watch, for anyone grappling with the reality of the spiritual realm.  (And, especially for those of us whose only exposure to the mysteries of God are through a limited “Western churchy” religion.)  
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Break on Through to the Other Side

I’m in a crazy place right now.  I’ve been struggling with so many things on my plate. 
At work.
At home.
With my kids.
With my husband.
With my social life.
And, certainly can’t forget with my spiritual life.
I’m in a tizzy everywhere, it seems.
It’s all I can do to keep my head above water at work, as my job has become the Multi-Task Master Supreme.  Then, I get home, and it doesn’t end there.  I have to remember the things I need to pick up at the grocery store.  I have to remember to bring diapers/wipes to daycare.  I have to remember to turn in all my little green stickers to the grocery store to claim my mini-appliance that I’ve earned!
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Here goes NOTHIN’! (or maybe SOMETHING!)

[Finally starting on my book.  Here’s a snippet of what I think it will be about…]
If you had asked my mom, when I was 10-years-old, what I was going to be when I grew up, my mom would have easily answered, “A writer.” She was convinced of it from the time I was very young. She and Dad frequently reminded me that they felt certain I was “destined for greatness.” I don’t know about all of that, but what I do know is that they clearly possessed this amazingly pure and undefiled perspective of me, and their goal was to grow me up right, to mold me and shape me, and instill the confidence in me to become who they knew, all along, I was destined to be.
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