Articles by Hannah

Bathing in His Presence

On cold days like this, it is sooooo difficult for me to warm up.  Sometimes, if I drink something warm, like hot cocoa, it’ll warm me from the inside out.  Give me a little relief….for a little while.  But, what I find to be the MOST effective is taking a hot bath.  Soaking every part of my body, from head to toe in a bit of liquid heaven on earth 🙂  I feel the warmth seep into my frozen fingers and toes.  And, soon, I’m enveloped in warmth I could only attain through complete immersion!!
I think my spiritual life is the same.  I find myself craving more of God.  To know Him more.  To see Him more clearly.  I can pray.  
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One of Those Nights

I think being a Mommy teaches me an awful lot about the nature of God.  Sometimes, I think that if I were to write a book, that might be the topic.  Tonight, I got this little snippet of a revelation about God’s mercy and compassion on His children.
It was most definitely one of “those” nights.  I picked the kids up from daycare, and was greeted with a super-tantrum by Lexi, who didn’t want to put her coat on, even though I, as her MOMMY, knew better than her, that she needed to wear the jacket.  Hmm, you can catch the lesson there, I’m sure.  It’s pretty obvious.  Then, I picked Jonah up from his class, and he began freaking out because he wanted a piece of candy.  
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What Can Wash Away My Scents?

Ever since Jonah attended the Christmas Eve service with us at Beltway, he unceasingly sings praise and worship music around the house.  It’s really the only type of music he sings.  Non.STOP.  I really should record some of the mis-sings, such as “My God is not dead, He’s surely alive, living on the inside BOILING like a lion….” and “My God never loose the fate, My God never loose the fate!…” which he chants and repeats ad nauseum, and we are yet to figure out which song he is singing!  We bought the Unleashed CD from church, and he routinely (or compulsively??) requests to listen to one of 3 songs, which he has named and can distinguish within a couple of notes (He would ROCK “Name that Tune,” I’m certain!).  
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