Articles by Hannah

Delusions of Holier Grandeur

I’m struggling with arrogance.  Arrogance of thinking that I’ve got it more “spiritually together” than someone else.  I won’t say who, but well, suffice it to say, God helped to put me back in my place.  Here I was, engaged in my holier than thou internal dialogue….a truly ugly little talk that I would never say out LOUD, but will surely think inside of my head.  Have you ever caught yourself in such a dialogue?  “God is telling me all of these things, and opening my heart to His will for my life, and this is awesome.  Too bad so-and-so doesn’t get that, or have that kind of relationship with God.”  Oh, it’s nothing I am proud to admit, but there I was the other day, right after church, no less, truly scrutinizing someone for their behavior right after the service.  
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Do You Hear What I Hear?

Last week, I had been toiling with the thought of what to do about our attendance at Life Group.  I knew that our Life Group had been considering changing the night from Thursday to Tuesday, due to inconsistent attendance by the members.  Of course, switching to Tuesdays, for us, would leave Jeremy out of the possibility of ever attending, except perhaps to sneak in for a few short minutes on his dinner break from work.  However, I felt it pressed on my heart to visit with one of our Life Group Leaders, Jennifer, to express that Tuesdays may, in fact, be better for us as a family because I would be more likely to attend consistently on that night, whereas Thursdays are continuously hit or miss (mostly miss) for us.  
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He is Jealous for Me??

So, it’s kind-of (or WAY) awesome how God can, in the same instance, reveal to you something you need to work on, but through that exact same situation, reveal to you something so very powerful about Himself, and about His relationship with YOU!
I was reflecting on my New Year’s Resolution, and I was thinking on the Serenity part.  The part, where I basically said that I need to give up feeling jealous in trying to cultivate relationships that essentially don’t want to be cultivated. (For more details, see my last post).  And, I’m driving down the road, when it hits me like the biggest lightbulb moment ever!  Oh MY GOSH!  This is the SAME JEALOUSY that God feels for ME!  
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