Articles by Hannah

To the Early Elementary Teachers Assigning Homework: A [basket]Case for Consideration

I freaked out tonight. Oh, it wasn’t anything overt.  It snuck up on me, really.  I held it together like a pro today — teaching myself a second-grade math concept so I could help my daughter understand it for her test tomorrow (can someone PLEASE give me a pat on back, or fist bump….or dab…or whatEVER for that one because today’s math is not what it used to be. Am I right?) , then taking her to gymnastics while listening to my son read me a fantastic book he’s writing.  I got home after gymnastics, fed my family, got the kids showered and somehow in bed with time to spare for bedtime snuggles and giggles…annnnnnd farts. Because, well. Boys.  I’m convinced that fart humor might actually be a lesser known love language for the male species. … Read the rest

Our Proverbs 19:21 Baby

IMG_1556“I don’t tell many people this, as I don’t want to sound crazy, but I know you will understand. We do not plan to have any more children. However, awhile back I felt like God distinctly told me we are going to have 3 children. I don’t know if that means I will have another baby or we will end up adopting, or what. Maybe it was all in my head, for all I know, but it felt like a crystal-clear message one day, out-of-the-blue. So, we shall see…”



Do you ever get a sense deep in your gut – a message that you’re completely positive is a direct word from the Lord? Well, call me crazy, but I do.… Read the rest

When the Grass Seems Greener

Man. This day has been so amazing!! Nothing speaks to my soul more than nature, and I think that’s the way God made it (Psalm 104:24-25)!! I’ll admit, I was a little funky earlier – wallowing in the pit of #fomo (which I only recently learned the meaning of), but I got off of my mopey rear, went for a painfully pathetic jog….or wog, as it were….leaning more toward the “walk” side a majority of the time….

And then took my son outside to play at the park. Not just for him to play, but for me to play with him. Not to sit on a bench, enjoying the time to get lost in my mobile device, but to engage with him.  … Read the rest