Articles by Hannah

Sentiments of a Social Media Addict, Part 1


I’m jumping ship, and this is why.

I’ve deactivated my Facebook account on more than one occasion.  Every time I do, I anticipate that I’ll be longing for the connection I get off of FB, seeing as I seem to be kind-of…well…addicted to it.

There.  I said it.

Hi, my name is Hannah.  And, I’m addicted to FaceBook.


What an embarrassing thing to admit.  I mean, really?  FACEBOOK?  REALLY???  I mean, for crying out loud, it’s not like I’m 25.  I’m pushing pushing-40 people!  I’m in the generation above the tech addicts.  I should not be prone to this.

But, I am.

Yet, every time I deactivate my account, the very opposite of what I anticipate happens.  I actually find myself reveling in the things I can accomplish during my days.  … Read the rest

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter Anyway

isagreements-300x300Man, it’s gotten bad lately. Social Media I mean.  Somehow it has evolved from a place to connect with friends, old and new, to a platform to air all of one’s passionately held opinions.  I wonder if everyone was so boldly and super strongly opinionated before the advent of social media. I mean — about EVERYTHING.

Should I use essential oils or antibiotics?  Am I ruining my kids’ natural immunities by pumping them with antibiotics, or am I risking poisoning them with essential oils that haven’t been tested/approved by the FDA?

Do I have to feed my family all organic in order for their brains to properly develop?  Is “clean eating” the way to go, or just the new breed of eating disorder?… Read the rest

Spilled Milk: My Metamorphosis from Tears to Triumph

Stark Raving Mad Mommy

After church today, I was approached by a woman I recognized but don’t really know very well.  She had no idea the impact her words were about to make on my heart and neither did I when she started with a disclaimer, “Okay, so I want you to know that I wasn’t stalking you the other day, but I saw you in Hobby Lobby….”

My mind immediately started swimming.  Hobby Lobby.  Last week.  100th Day of School Project for Jonah.  Hour-and-a-half trip with my kids to the one place that has traditionally been met with great opposition, screaming, tantrums, frustration, and a completely frazzled Mommy who has to ask herself for the four-billionth time, “WHY DO I TRY TO COME HERE WITH MY KIDS???!”  Read the rest