“Oh my GOSHHHHH, Mom! Couldn’t you have WAITED to stream church until I FINISHED WHAT I WAS DOING?! MY PHONE IS LAGGING!!!”
I choke back my coffee in shock at the over-the-top daggers of fury being hurled at me from my son’s room. I mean, I literally just poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down to enjoy cyber-church on this pleasant Sunday morning. How was I to know I was cutting into the precious bandwidth and disrupting my poor boy-child’s Pokemon-Go battle? On his iPhone. That we told him he wouldn’t get until he’s at least 14.
(He’s 11.)
He may not get it back until he’s 14.
“Can you pleeeease make french toast?” my girl-child pleads. Another one of her out-of-the-blue Varuca Salty-esque requests that requires at least some degree of planning and preparation.… Read the rest