Here goes NOTHIN’! (or maybe SOMETHING!)

[Finally starting on my book.  Here’s a snippet of what I think it will be about…]
If you had asked my mom, when I was 10-years-old, what I was going to be when I grew up, my mom would have easily answered, “A writer.” She was convinced of it from the time I was very young. She and Dad frequently reminded me that they felt certain I was “destined for greatness.” I don’t know about all of that, but what I do know is that they clearly possessed this amazingly pure and undefiled perspective of me, and their goal was to grow me up right, to mold me and shape me, and instill the confidence in me to become who they knew, all along, I was destined to be.
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Write His Word in Your Heart

I believe Spiritual living has its foundation in many elements, but perhaps the most absolutely fundamental and essential element I have found is in reading the Word of God.  Why would this be the foundation?  Well, because it is God’s very reference book to us that guides every other aspect of our living.
If I want to know how to pray, I can look in God’s Word, and see how Jesus taught us to pray.
If I want to know how to live, I see it as an instruction guide to godly living.
But perhaps the most supernatural and truly splendid “relevance” of the Bible, is that God speaks to us through his written Word.  And, not just when we’re reading it!
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Be Careful What You Pray For….

Today was an awesomely productive day at work.  But, man, was I WIPED OUT by the end!

Brain. Fried.
I was so ready to just get home and doze for about 30 minutes before picking up the kids from daycare.
But, when I got home and stuck my key in the door, I remembered I needed to pay my bills.

Then, my other to-do’s started plaguing my brain.  I was disgusted, and disappointed.  And, in a rather perturbed, yet somewhat helpless attitude, I cried out to God, “Okay, God!  It appears my work is never done. I either need rest…or I need energy.  One or the other.  Think ya can throw me a bone???  Rest or energy, God.  Rest…. Or energy.”  
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