"I Got This" (Medical Update: Healing Prayer)

People have been praying over me.  A couple of weeks ago, at Life Group, my entire group prayed for healing into my life.  (For more information about why people are praying for me, see my other Medical Update post).  I had to go to Austin on Jan 24-26, and that week was ridiculously bad with episodes occurring frequently throughout each day.
But, then on that Saturday (1/28), it was as if a switch was thrown, and my episodes tapered off substantially, out of the clear blue.  I went from frequent and severe episodes Mon-Fri, to virtually NONE on Saturday.  I had 1 or 2 episodes on all days, Saturday through the following week.  Still no episode-free days, but as close as I’ve come since December 22 (my one and only episode free day since the onset of this mysterious condition at the end of November).
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Bathing in His Presence

On cold days like this, it is sooooo difficult for me to warm up.  Sometimes, if I drink something warm, like hot cocoa, it’ll warm me from the inside out.  Give me a little relief….for a little while.  But, what I find to be the MOST effective is taking a hot bath.  Soaking every part of my body, from head to toe in a bit of liquid heaven on earth 🙂  I feel the warmth seep into my frozen fingers and toes.  And, soon, I’m enveloped in warmth I could only attain through complete immersion!!
I think my spiritual life is the same.  I find myself craving more of God.  To know Him more.  To see Him more clearly.  I can pray.  
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Delusions of Holier Grandeur

I’m struggling with arrogance.  Arrogance of thinking that I’ve got it more “spiritually together” than someone else.  I won’t say who, but well, suffice it to say, God helped to put me back in my place.  Here I was, engaged in my holier than thou internal dialogue….a truly ugly little talk that I would never say out LOUD, but will surely think inside of my head.  Have you ever caught yourself in such a dialogue?  “God is telling me all of these things, and opening my heart to His will for my life, and this is awesome.  Too bad so-and-so doesn’t get that, or have that kind of relationship with God.”  Oh, it’s nothing I am proud to admit, but there I was the other day, right after church, no less, truly scrutinizing someone for their behavior right after the service.  
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