Bubble Bath Brilliance

Last night, after an amazing night of worship and fellowship at the Love and Care Ministries Tent Revival, I came home and decided to relax over a nice warm bubble bath.  Still on a bit of a spiritual high, I picked up a handful of the bubbles, and asked the Lord, “Tell me something about these bubbles, God.”  Praise God for His promise that when we ask for bread, He will not give us a stone! (Matt. 7:9-11)
Without a moment’s notice, the Lord delivered.  Immediately (no exaggeration — I mean right away) after I asked the Lord for a little something, I had an answer.  One that was far smarter than I could have come up with on my own, in such a swift instance! 
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He Moves in Mysterious Ways

So, we have made a really big decision for me to leave the workforce, and enter the world of stay-at-home-mom.  See my other post (Changes on the Holmes’ Sweet Homefront) for details about this journey.
I have been so very nervous about announcing my resignation, for many reasons.  Mostly because I feel like I am well regarded in my field, and am working my way up a pretty promising career ladder.  So, I’ve been so fretful, wondering how my boss would take the news.
Well, 2 days prior to my scheduled meeting with my boss (which was today), I was driving down the road, and suddenly, for whatever reason, remembered a dream I had had many, many years ago.  The dream had left such a strong impression on my heart that I had awakened, feeling absolutely certain it was a word from the Lord.
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A Little Poem

I wrote this short little poem today, to cope with the angst I’ve been feeling amid all of the political/religious judgment going on lately in the media.
“To love” is a command we all know well,
The greatest commandment that Jesus did tell.
But, “to love” doesn’t always mean “to condone”
Or take the philosophy “to each his own.”
Just because I believe dif’rently from you
Doesn’t mean that I’m condemning you for your view.
Even as you hold your values so dear,
So, I have mine, too, from which I don’t veer.  
So, please understand, I’ve no ill will in my heart,
Just because our opinions & views may depart.
If you decide that I loathe you ‘cause we disagree
Then, my friend, that’s on you, and not on me.
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