Identity Crisis

I’ve had a message stirring in my heart lately about my identity.  See, I’ve begun realizing how many things in my life have the potential to take precedence over my identity in Christ.  Here on this earth, we have careers, and spouses, and children, and hobbies, and so many roles that we play.  If we aren’t careful, it is easy to begin to find our identity in those things, rather than finding our identity in Jesus, and letting our “sub-identities” (for lack of a better descriptor) be an outcropping of our true identity.
Here’s the thing.  No matter how great we are at any one role, no matter how strong our marriage is, or how great of a musician, or how successful of an athlete, or how enviable of a parent we are, every single one of those things can be shaken!  
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Don’t Dis Your Gifts, Man!

What a week!  I have been gone for a solid 7 days.  First to Austin for a Coordinator’s Meeting, and from there, straight to Lubbock, for our annual West Texas Parent Conference.  That is a huge project that has consumed a great deal of my time and energy over the past several months at work.  So, needless to say, I feel a sense of relief and accomplishment!
But, I’m also SPENT.  Ready to shut the thinker down, if you know what I mean.
So, you can imagine my (admittedly) ever-so-slight disappointment when I felt the Lord nudge me to go write.  Here’s the gist of how it went:
God:  Time to write.
Me:  Now?!?  But, Lord, how will I possibly know what to write?  
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Sink or Swim

A couple of days ago, I started out my day the way I feel I probably “should” start out every day:  Praying.
Praying that I would walk as one who glorifies the Lord in all that I do.  That I may encourage people and “behave” the way a “good Christian” should.  Of course, I didn’t really use those words, exactly, but the gist of it was that I aimed, from the time I rolled out of bed, to do things RIGHT.  The way God would expect me to.
But, I SO BLEW IT!  I mean, I messed up at every single turn.  By the end of the day, I was like, “HOLY MOLY!  WHAT HAPPENED THERE, GOD??”  Not that I was blaming God, per se, but I’ll admit that the thought crossed my mind, “Note to self:  Fat lot of good that prayer did!  
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