
Very Few People Are Mature Enough for This

Let’s face it. Your needs aren’t as important as mine. Oh, sure, you think they are. But they’re not. So, stop trying to convince yourself and the entire world via your social media rants and tirades that they are. I literally don’t care. All you’re doing is triggering me and thus shutting me down. I’ve already snoozed you once for 30 days, and I’ll probably unfollow you when you reappear in my thread, carrying on with your same disagreeable shenanigans.

Oh but wait. Is that your goal? To stir up dissention, shut people down, and generate animosity? Or perhaps its more innocuous than that. Maybe you just want to speak your mind and seek validation from those who share your beliefs?… Read the rest

Grief and Faith are Not Mutually Exclusive

Jesus wept. Remember?

And so did I, tonight. It caught me a little off-guard, as I’ve been hanging in there like a champ — my faith has been strong and I have been pressing in to the Lord for wisdom and the Shalom of heaven. I’ve been able to clearly see – what probably amounts to but a fraction of – the ways His hand is in the mix of this world crisis. I see the way we’re naturally resetting, as a society; the ways the all-important towers of security and affection we’ve erected are being dismantled, so that core values of family and simplicity are being restored.

The tower of professionalized youth sports – demolished.
The tower of idolatry for professional sports – squashed.

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Collateral Beauty

*Collateral Beauty.*
Watch for it.
It’s happening right under our noses, and I’m absolutely giddy with HOPE over it.

For real.

I mean – y’all – practically the entire world is doing the same weird “hunker down, pray, and wait out this pandemic” thing right now.

How surreal is this?!

Sure – our country has had some pandemonium pendulum swings, but for the most part we have laid our petty divisions aside in recognition that we all have to band together for the greater good of our communities and neighbors right now. Suddenly, dehumanizing those with opposing political opinions seems trivial – because the human race is currently in a fight WITH each other instead of AGAINST each other.

Compassion is welling up for our neighbors both here AND abroad.… Read the rest