
Spilled Milk: My Metamorphosis from Tears to Triumph

Stark Raving Mad Mommy

After church today, I was approached by a woman I recognized but don’t really know very well.  She had no idea the impact her words were about to make on my heart and neither did I when she started with a disclaimer, “Okay, so I want you to know that I wasn’t stalking you the other day, but I saw you in Hobby Lobby….”

My mind immediately started swimming.  Hobby Lobby.  Last week.  100th Day of School Project for Jonah.  Hour-and-a-half trip with my kids to the one place that has traditionally been met with great opposition, screaming, tantrums, frustration, and a completely frazzled Mommy who has to ask herself for the four-billionth time, “WHY DO I TRY TO COME HERE WITH MY KIDS???!”  Read the rest