
Prostate Before Cheeses

Hannah and Gary Show
Prostate Before Cheeses

In honor of Holy Week, we took time to visit about our faith and our perspective on work as marketplace ministry. Amid the laughable moments, our conversation was personally enriching and we hope you find it to be entertaining and insightful, as well.… Read the rest

On the Gift of Healing, Part 2

In my previous post, I expounded on the fact that all Believers in Christ have the authority to heal.  It is in our born-again DNA.  I’d like to take the time, here, to talk a little more about the practicalities of healing, as I have learned through reading the Word, reading books on healing, listening to Christians who are operating powerfully and effectively in the gift of healing, and through my own personal experience.  First and foremost, I’d like to say that, when it comes to healing:

I Don’t Know What I’m Doing:
That’s right.  I said it.  I have no idea how to heal someone.  You wanna know why?  Because I’m not the one who does the healing!!  In all honesty, about 100% of the time that I go to lay my hands on someone, I have, at least, a fleeting thought of, “Crud, what do I do?  … Read the rest

On the Gift of Healing, Part 1

Recently, I was in a fairly intimate group setting, and a person came forth who had a physical ailment, for which he needed God‘s healing touch.  Right away, I began to hear the group utter, “Where’s Hannah?  Hannah, come lay hands on him.”

First of all, let me just very candidly say that my initial response was, well, THIS. IS. AWESOME!!  I mean, just to be really honest about it, I loved the fact that I was in a group of people, whom I consider to be big time giants for the Kingdom, and they regarded me as “the anointed one” who could come and effectively usher God’s healing, through the laying on of hands.  Wow!!  Excuse me?  … Read the rest