
Very Few People Are Mature Enough for This

Let’s face it. Your needs aren’t as important as mine. Oh, sure, you think they are. But they’re not. So, stop trying to convince yourself and the entire world via your social media rants and tirades that they are. I literally don’t care. All you’re doing is triggering me and thus shutting me down. I’ve already snoozed you once for 30 days, and I’ll probably unfollow you when you reappear in my thread, carrying on with your same disagreeable shenanigans.

Oh but wait. Is that your goal? To stir up dissention, shut people down, and generate animosity? Or perhaps its more innocuous than that. Maybe you just want to speak your mind and seek validation from those who share your beliefs?… Read the rest

Spilled Milk: My Metamorphosis from Tears to Triumph

Stark Raving Mad Mommy

After church today, I was approached by a woman I recognized but don’t really know very well.  She had no idea the impact her words were about to make on my heart and neither did I when she started with a disclaimer, “Okay, so I want you to know that I wasn’t stalking you the other day, but I saw you in Hobby Lobby….”

My mind immediately started swimming.  Hobby Lobby.  Last week.  100th Day of School Project for Jonah.  Hour-and-a-half trip with my kids to the one place that has traditionally been met with great opposition, screaming, tantrums, frustration, and a completely frazzled Mommy who has to ask herself for the four-billionth time, “WHY DO I TRY TO COME HERE WITH MY KIDS???!”  Read the rest