On the Gift of Healing, Part 2

In my previous post, I expounded on the fact that all Believers in Christ have the authority to heal.  It is in our born-again DNA.  I’d like to take the time, here, to talk a little more about the practicalities of healing, as I have learned through reading the Word, reading books on healing, listening to Christians who are operating powerfully and effectively in the gift of healing, and through my own personal experience.  First and foremost, I’d like to say that, when it comes to healing:

I Don’t Know What I’m Doing:
That’s right.  I said it.  I have no idea how to heal someone.  You wanna know why?  Because I’m not the one who does the healing!!  In all honesty, about 100% of the time that I go to lay my hands on someone, I have, at least, a fleeting thought of, “Crud, what do I do?  How do I pray?”  Then, that still small voice quickly helps me remember, “Oh yeah.  This isn’t about me!  All I have to do, is lay my hands on someone. (And, sometimes, I don’t even have to do that!) The rest is up to God.”  Seriously, I’ve seen God heal people after I’ve felt like I offered up the most tongue-tied, blundered prayer for healing.  I’ve even seen Him heal ailments that I didn’t actually pray for, because He’s just pretty fly like that!  He’ll take care of the details at hand, even if you feel like you’ve missed the mark!!  So, I start with that, to help you go into this thing with an ease of mind.  It’s not about you!!!  And, THAT, my friends, is a sweet relief!!!  In fact, I would venture to say that the moment you start feeling like you know exactly what you’re doing, you may have journeyed beyond confident assurance in Him, and started drifting toward prideful assurance in yourself.

All of this being said, I have found that two of the most vital ingredients to praying for healing are:

  1. Staying Connected to Holy Spirit
  2. Being Clothed in Compassion

There are so many ways to go to the Lord, and we must stay connected with Holy Spirit to know when to pray, what to pray, and how to pray.

Commanding in Authority:
It is important to understand that Jesus sent the disciples out, and gave them authority to heal.  He didn’t say, “Go, therefore, and ask God to heal the sick.”  He actually said, “Heal the sick.”  I’ve heard an excellent modern-day illustration that helped me understand my authority to command sickness to bow to the name of Jesus.  My husband is a police officer.  He was commissioned by the State of Texas to carry out his duties, as such. In other words, he has been given authority.  When he encounters a “bad guy,” does he pick up the phone and call our state Governor, to request permission to arrest the bad guy?  No, that would be silly, wouldn’t it?  He’s already been commissioned and given the authority to arrest the bad guys.  So, he just does it.  He exercises his authority, in the name of the Texas state law.

In the same way, we have been given authority, by Jesus, to heal the sick.  For that reason, in His name, we are allowed to go forth and command sickness to bow to the name of Jesus.  We don’t have to offer up an eloquent soliloquy of a prayer, nor do we have to beg God to come heal.

Now, that’s not to say that the Holy Spirit hasn’t led me, at times, to be in a posture of asking.  I’ve even felt the Lord instruct me to ask for Him to command His healing angels, at times. (Side note:  Don’t try to command angels, yourself.  You don’t have authority to do that.  God, alone, commands the angels!! See Psalm 91:11) And, sometimes, it is even possible that a demonic influence is causing a physical infirmity, in which case deliverance ministry is necessary.  (For my own personal testimony regarding freedom from demonic oppression, feel free to read my previous post.)

Sometimes, Holy Spirit will tell you (through a gut impression, vision in your mind’s eye, or even an audible voice) a specific act to do to bring healing.  Jesus only did what He saw the Father do.  In the same way, we want to tune our hearts to what is happening in heavenly places, when we pray for healing.  For instance, when Jesus healed the blind man of Bethsaida, he actually used his spit to make mud to place over the man’s eyes (see John 9). I’ve heard testimony of Heidi Baker being told to do similar things, and seeing eyes opened.  Just the other day, I had my first experience with this, as I was praying over someone, I actually saw (in my mind’s eye) Jesus cradling the woman I was praying over, as a mother would cradle her child.  So, I did it.  Sounds a little weird, right?? But let me just tell you, it happened very very naturally (because it was heaven invading this world), and this girl received big time healing in her heart, through that time.  I simply represented Jesus, physically, to her at that time, by doing what I saw Him doing.

This is why it is vitally important to stay in tune with Him.  He will direct you. In some cases, I have been in the middle of praying and asking God to come and heal, when I have suddenly heard, “Command it to go!”  Something powerful happens when we boldly take up that authority He has given us!!  Don’t think of it as arrogant or prideful.  Again, it is not your hand that heals.  It is His healing touch through you. You are being the Body, and using the authority He has given you!  You are simply doing what He has told you to do.  Then, He brings the healing.

In countless accounts of Jesus healing, he was moved by compassion, and then he brought healing.  Compassion, at its root, means to share in one’s sufferings.  This particular area is one in which I have been begging God for more.  See, my limited worldly compassion isn’t sufficient.  I want to feel what God feels, to see what God sees, when He sees one of His children hurting.  And, it is from that place that I can most effectively operate in that authority to heal.  I never want to get to the point that I am praying for healing for the sake of healing, or for the sake of proving who God is, or for the sake of the “that’s a cool gift to have” factor!  I want to be moved by the compassion of God on His children.  I want to share in one’s sufferings, and from that place, be able to minister God’s heart and healing directly into the midst of one’s pain.

How Will I Know?
So, we stay connected to Holy Spirit, and we ask God for His compassion.  And, He will deliver!!  But, how do we know if “anything” has happened?

Well, first of all, let me just say that something has happened, when you partner with God and invite His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven!!  After all, it’s how Jesus taught us to pray!!  But, practically regarding physical healing, here are a few points:

  1. Prior to praying for healing, gather some information, including an assessment of pain level (on a scale of 1-10), and ask whether someone will be able to test their pain level/affliction level.  (Some ailments cannot be tested right away)
  2. Listen for Holy Spirit, and pray for healing accordingly.
  3. Ask the person if they felt anything whatsoever.  (Sometimes, when Holy Spirit is healing, the person may feel physical heat or cold, tingling, or mild electrical sensations in the body.  However, they may not feel anything at all, physically, and that doesn’t indicate that the Holy Spirit isn’t at work.)   Likewise, the person may not feel anything physically, but may feel an overwhelming sense of peace or love or joy.  Are these sounding familiar?? That’s because they’re fruits of the Spirit.  A-ha!  So, if someone suddenly starts describing emotional feelings that align with the fruits of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23), then you can bet Holy Spirit is at work!!
  4. Ask the person what their pain level is after praying (on a scale of 1-10).  Invite them to do something to test the ailment (do something they couldn’t do before).  If 100% healing hasn’t taken place then,
  5. Pray again.
  6. Rinse, and repeat until Holy Spirit leads you to stop.  You will know when it is time to stop praying….if you stay in connection with Him.  Bless the person, and encourage them that sometimes healing happens immediately, and sometimes it is a gradual process.  Also, when healing takes place, be sure to direct them to give glory to God, not you!  Believe it or not, some people will tend to say, “You healed me!”  I always say, “No, I don’t know how to heal!  God healed you!”
  7. Thanksgiving!!  Give thanks in ALL circumstances, whether you see the healing, or not.  And, if a partial healing has occurred, I encourage people to continue to offer thanksgiving for what they have received, while also asking for more.  Thanksgiving invites more healing!
  8. Follow-up, if possible.  I try my best to follow-up, after I have prayed for someone’s healing.  I like to know when God has healed!!  It builds my faith!!  I’ve also started keeping a written record of healing testimonies  because the enemy loves to steal, kill, and destroy.  One of the ways he does this is by trying to make me forget what I have seen God do.  So, I keep it written down, so that I can go back and remind myself of the incredible works He has done.  And, to remind me that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  ANNNND, because we OVERCOME by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!! (See Rev. 12:11)

God bless you and those you encounter, as you go forth in boldness, as His hands and feet!

(These are some of the major influences I’ve had in developing this practical teaching on healing.  While I didn’t cite them directly, I have definitely used the teachings from the following sources, to help develop my knowledge on the gift of healing. I’d recommend these resources to anyone wanting to go deeper!!)

When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson
Strengthen Yourself in the Lord by Bill Johnson
The Essential Guide to Healing by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark
An Apple for the Road compiled by Pam Spinosi
Walking in Supernatural Healing Power by Chris Gore (I haven’t read this one, yet, but plan to soon!!  I gleaned many of the practical points in this from a conference I attended by Chris Gore last year)

Conferences by:
Chris Gore
Gary Oates
Will Hart
Randy Clark

Video Documentary Series:
“Finger of God”
“Furious Love”
“Father of Lights”

Video: “Compelled by Love”



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