
The Importance of the Secret Place

There was once a time when I thought my “Quiet Time” with the Lord had to fit into a prescribed method.  In fact, when I heard about people who avidly set aside time in their “prayer closet,” I always wondered how they did things.  What was the magic structure that made the time right before God?

Was it, like…:

  • 3 minutes – reading daily devotional
  • 14 minutes – reading the Bible
  • 8 minutes – praying, (using the ACTS method, of course!!)
  • ADORATION (15 seconds)
  • CONFESSION (30 seconds)
  • THANKSGIVING (15 seconds)
  • SUPPLICATION (7 minutes)

And, not only that, but I thought my quiet time was “supposed” to take place at a certain time of the day — namely before the crack of dawn — a time in which my body just simply doesn’t seem to want to function!!… Read the rest

Prophetic Practice

This week, our church hosted Global Awakening for a “Keys to the Prophetic” conference.  Suffice it to say, in a really tiny nutshell, I was blown away!!  To experience the Spirit of God in such a heavy, palpable way was absolutely phenomenal!  Indescribable, really.  I’ve experienced the presence of God, but never quite like this!  As my brother so brilliantly put it, “Man, this is like cocaine, isn’t it??”
Yes, indeed!  Like cocaine, (I assume)!  A high surely better than drugs, and I just wanted to go back for more and more!
One of the major things I took away from the practical teaching part of the conference was this concept that you have to take a risk, if you are ever going to know for sure that you have genuinely received a word of knowledge from the Lord, and not just of your flesh.  
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"Try Me"

I have really been dealing lately with pressing into more of what the Lord has for me.  Of learning more about what my purpose is.  Of what my mission is.
I went to a conference today (Compassion in Action) that only drove that desire deeper.  I totally felt the Holy Spirit moving in my heart, and I found myself all weepy, which I did NOT expect.  But, I was moved to answer an altar call to just go up and meet God and get the answers to precisely where He is calling me.  So, you can imagine my surprise when I got to the altar, and all I heard was….
Not a word.
I covered my ears to drown out the prayers and worship I heard going on all around me, but it didn’t help.
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